Ji'nan Orange Lodge

11 hónapom Ji'nanban

Friss topikok


Jinan Orange Lodge

2008.09.05. 04:17 orangeman

A loyal band of Orangemen from Ulster's lovely land,
They could not march upon the 12th - processions were all banned,
So they flew off till the Middle East this dreadful law to dodge
And they founded in Jerusalem the Arab Orange Lodge.

Big Ali Bey who charmed the snakes he was the first recruit,
John James McKeag from Portglenone learned him to play the flute
And as the oul Pied Piper was once followed by the rats
There followed Ali till the lodge ten snakes in bowler hats.

They made a martial picture as they marched along the shore.
It stirred the blood when Ali played ' The fez my father wore'
And Yussef Ben Mohammed hit the' lambeg' such a bash
It scared the living daylights from a camel in a sash!

Now the movement spread both far and wide - there were lodges by the
The ' Jerusalem Purple Heroes ' were the first of many more,
The ' Loyal Sons of Djeddah" and the ' Mecca Purple Star '
And the ' Rising Sons of Jericho ' who came by motor car

The banners two were wonderful and some would make you smile
King Billy on his camel as he splashed across the Nile
But the Tyre and Sidon Temperance had the best one of them all
For they had a lovely picture of Damascus Orange Hall

The Apprentice Boys of Amman march beneath the blazing sun
The Royal Black Preceptory were negroes everyone
And Lodges came from Egypt, from the Abu Simbel Falls,
And they shouted ' No surrender!' and 'We'll guard old Cairo's walls'

But when the ban was lifted and the lodges marched at last
The Arabs all decided for till march right through Belfast
and they caused a lot of trouble before they got afloat,
For they could not get the camels on the bloody Heysham boat

Now camels choked up Liverpool and camels blocked Stranraer
And the Sheik Kuwait came along in his great big motor car
But the ' Eastern Magic L.O.L. they worked a crafty move
They got on their magic carpets and flew into Aldergrove

When they came to Castle Junction were once stood the the wee Kiosk
They dug up Royal Avenue to build a flamin' mosque
And Devlin says to Gerry Fitt ' I think we better go
Theres half a million camels coming down from Sandy Row '

The speeches at the ' field ' that day were really something new
For some were made in Arabic and some were in Hebrew,
But just as Colonel Naser had got up to sing ' The Queen',
I woke up in my bed at home and found it was a dream!

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